A good read. Shefalee's writing style is engaging and flowing. She takes you along with her and lets you take a look into the world of fashion - from the designers to the consumers and everything in between. In the process of narration, Shefalee opens herself up to the reader, thus exposing herself to the risk of criticism on more of a personal level. However, this very insight into her, helps the reader decide the context in which to read the book.The book is an amalgamation of the life story of the Designers and their Business, Models - not just the drug-sex-bollywood-'will do anything to succeed' obssessed but the ones who are disciplined, professional and committed, the Darzi Couture and the Tailors-Masterjis and the Indian weaves.Though the last 1-2 chapters seem to show more of Shefalee's exasperation with the Industry than anything else, however given the book has been a good read so far and the reader understands where she is standing on the subject, so her bias can be easily overlooked and the story read with appropriate filters.Read this book; not for the gossip but to understand what makes Fashion in India, to gain insight into the designers world (more than the models), to understand how are you as a Consumer and make sense of it all.